Fara’s story

Fara is a six-year-old girl. She had many health problems at a young age. Fara’s mother told us: “When Fara and her brother were born, I was frail and too thin. Although I tried to feed my children with my own milk, my breast milk turned out not to be sufficiently nutritious.”

Fara’s mother recognized how serious her daughter’s malnutrition was and sought help at a local clinic. Here, the doctors helped to create a nutrition plan.

Unfortunately, the original attempts did not help enough and Fara’s health deteriorated even more. As a result, Fara suffered further weight loss, swelling, slowed growth and lessened appetite. A colleague of Fara’s grandmother heard about the problems, and advised the family to seek help at the clinic.

After registering Fara at the clinic and taking her to weekly checkups, Fara finally started to get better. Supported by the peanut paste, Fara’s health gradually improved: her weight increased and her appetite returned. Her mother and grandmother are both extremely happy and grateful for the positive change Village of Peace has brought.