Naghma’s story

Naghma is one of the participants of the food security project. She told her story:
“I have 4 children. Before I took part in this project I had a lot of problems. I always cooked the same food, because I didn’t know how to process different vitamins in my diet. Me and my kids were always sick and bad tempered. My children had little concentration for their lessons at school and I also suffered from concentration problems. Then I went to the doctor and he told me I was anemic. He gave me medicines for anemia but I got a stomachache when I started taking them, so I stopped again.

At one point I was allowed to participate in the food security project. I found the lessons so interesting. For example, we were taught the benefits of healthy eating with proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. We were also taught how to grow vegetables, what hygiene is, how to reduce anemia, how best to feed our children and how to combat malnutrition. I learned a lot and now use this knowledge in my daily life. My children and I are all healthy and I am grateful for the food security project and how they have helped us.”